====== Sebastian Weitmann - Curriculum Vita ====== * October 24th, 1967 in Stockholm, Sweden \\ Address: Singelbacken 14, 115 21 Stockholm \\ Email: sebastian@weitmann.info Phone: +46-760-777708 \\ ===== Work Experience ===== ^ Period ^ Position ^ Employment Reference Letter ^ | Since 2024 | Owner & CEO | COMILION AB, Stockholm | | 2015 - 2023 | Executive Board | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/rma.pdf |Run my Accounts Deutschland AG, Cologne }}| | Since 2010 | Co-Founder and President | International SQL-Ledger Network Association, Zürich | | 2008 - 2009 | Head of Accounting | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/foncia.pdf | Foncia Immonova ImmobilienverwaltungsG mbH, Cologne }} | | 2005 - 2008 | Chief Financial Officer | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/bwg.pdf | BWG Berlin Wall GmbH, Berlin }}| | 1999 - 2005 | New Business / Projects | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/hs2.pdf | Schwarzkopf Professional GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg }}\\ {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/ibm.pdf | in Cooperation with IBM Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf }} | | 1997 - 1999 | Junior Product Manager | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/hs.pdf | Schwarzkopf Professional GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg }} | | 1987 - 1990 | Apprentice | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/madaus.pdf | Madaus AG, Cologne }} | | 1986 - 1986 | Vauum Cleaner Salesman | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/electrolux.pdf | Elektrolux Direktförsäljning AB, Stockholm }} | | 1985 - 1986 | Sales Representative | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/scan.pdf | Skandiafisk AB, Stockholm / Paris }} | ===== Education ===== ^ Period ^ Degree ^ Certificate ^ | 1991 - 1997 | Master of Laws LL.M. | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/uu.pdf | Uppsala University & Stockholm University }} | | 1987 - 1990 | Industrial Clerk Certificate | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/ihk.pdf | Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Cologne }} | | 1982 - 1985 | High School Diploma | {{https://www.sql-ledger-network.com/documents/franskaskolan.pdf | French School, Stockholm }} |