====== SQL-Ledger Tips & Tricks ====== * [[http://matthijshavinga.blogspot.nl/2017/04/how-to-run-cookie-factory-with-sql.html|How to use a mobile device barcode scanner with SQL-Ledger]] * [[psql_ascii_2_utf8|How to convert PostgreSQL database from SQL_ASCII to UTF8]] * [[phppgadmin_debian|How to install phppgadmin on Debian]] * [[locale_ascii_2_utf8|How to convert locale files from SQL_ASCII to UTF8]] * [[templates_ascii_2_utf8|How to convert templates from SQL_ASCII to UTF8]] * [[http://www.ledger123.com/category/data-import/|How to import CSV data (Ledger123.com)]] * [[upgrade_2_to_3 |How to upgrade from ledger123 version 2.8 to 3.0]] * [[downgrade_3_to_2 |How to downgrade from ledger123 version 3.0 to 2.8]] * [[http://apgdiff.com/how_to_use_it.php |Best PostgreSQL Diff Tool (apgdiff)]] * [[printer_with_options |How to define a printer with print options]] * [[http://ledger123.com/docs-old/doku.php?id=warehouses|How to add a warehouse (Ledger123.com)]] * [[find_4_orders_not_invoiced|How to find closed orders that have not been invoiced]] * [[find_gl_on_taxaccouns|How to find GL-transactions involving tax accounts]] * [[find_ar_prepayment|How to find AR-prepayment transactions]] * [[find_ap_prepayment|How to find AP-prepayment transactions]] * [[find_arap_outofbalance|How to find AR and AP-transactions that are "out of balance"]] * [[find_ar_without_tax|How to find AP-transactions that have been booked without tax]] * [[delete_departments_sql_command|How to delete departments using SQL statement]] * [[API_basics|Some SQL-Ledger API basics]] * [[update_tax_chart_id|How to update your tax_chart_id]] * [[check_ap_ar_for_vendor_customer_without_id|How to check if AP and AR transactions all have valid vendor/customer id's]] * [[create_sql_file_for_chart_of_accounts|How to create an SQL file for chart of accounts]] * [[set_gifi_to_chart_of_accounts|How to set gifi's to same number as account]] * [[fix_dataset_newer_than_version|How to solve "Dataset newer than version" error message]] * [[compare_amount_paid_in_ar_and_acc_trans|How to compare amounts paid in ar and acc_trans]] * [[update_fxpaid|How to update fxpaid table]] * [[unbalanced_acc_trans|How to check if acc_trans is balanced]] * [[AR/AP_versus_General_Ledger|How to check if AR/AP and acc_trans are in sync]] * [[FX_gain/FX_loss|How to check if AR/AP transactions contain both fx-gain and fx-loss]] * [[merge_rma_develop|How to merge rma-develop]] * [[checkout_variables|How to checkout printed variables]] * [[query_2:_correct_AR8percision|How to round AR table to numeric 2]] * [[ar_ap_pdf_varaible_debug|How to debug AR and AP PDF variables]] * [[extractcsv|How to extract specific columns from a .csv file]] * [[deletearapinvoices|How to delete AR and AP transactions in PostgreSQL]] * [[setuprevolutapi|How to configure Revolut Bank with SQL-Ledger]] * [[generatecharfile|How to generate dataset template from existing database]] * [[sqlonalldatabases|Script for running SQL-statement on all databases]] ====== Demo and Test System ====== * Get the "look and feel" of SQL-Ledger here: [[Demo and Test System|Demo and Test System]]