Under workstations we also define the default printer with printer name and the Linux command to be executed. **Example:** ^Printer ^Command ^ |myPrinter |lpr -P myPrinter | Using the **-o** option of the **lpr** command you can pass various options to the printer. If you have a printer which is configured to normally print double-sided then you want to use this command: ^Printer ^Command ^ |myPrinter |lpr -P myPrinter -o sides=one-sided | The program will save this option but when reading it ends up like **lpr -P myPrinter -o sides** The reason is that the default printer is saved as **MyPrinter=lpr -P myPrinter -o sides=one-sided** and after reading this line the program splits the string at the '=' sign into printer name (left side) and printer command (right side). As we have now **two** equal signs in the string **'=one-sided**' get's dropped. ====== Solution ====== Define a basic shell script containing the printer command. **Example:** #!/bin/sh # printer wrapper file for ledger `lpr -P myPrinter -o sides=one-sided $1` exitcode=$? exit $? Save the file as **myprinter.sh**, make sure that it is executable (chmod ugoa+x myprinter.sh) and define the filename as printer command in the system.