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Software packages

Login to the server with your user name and password. To be able to install the software, we have to change to the “root” account. In this way, we get administrator rights. Type:


and enter your password. With the following command, we install the packages we need for LedgerCart:

  apt-get install libcgi-simple-perl libdbi-perl libtemplate-perl libobject-signature-perl libnumber-format-perl libmime-lite-perl 
  libdbix-simple-perl libtext-markdown-perl libdate-calc-perl libgd-gd2-perl libdatetime-perl libhtml-format-perl libmime-tools-perl apg

After that you need to install some further cpan modules:

  cpan GD
  cpan GD::Thumbnail
  cpan MIME::Lite::TT::HTML

Then install LedgerCart in your SQL-Ledger directory:

  git clone git:// ledgercart

You need to run following commands on each database you want to use with LedgerCart.

 UPDATE parts SET pos=TRUE;
 UPDATE partsgroup SET pos=TRUE;

The above update statements will mark all items and item groups as point-of-sale items.

Configuration and Admin access

To configure LedgerCart for your installation, edit the file and change the appropriate lines for your database connection information. You can also change default thumbnail sizes here.

Admin User

To enable admin access, create a customer using SQL-Ledger with your email address and specify its id in $form{admin_id}. Now using “forgot password” link, generate a new password which will be sent to your email address.

Editing item descriptions, images and thumbnails

When you are logged in as admin and visit item detail pages, you can edit item descriptions as well as upload images and auto-create thumbnails.

Item descriptions text uses simple markup language 'markdown' for html elements. No html is allowed for security reasons. See for markdown syntax.

Item descriptions are stored in item notes column and can be editing from within SQL-Ledger as well.

Editing pages through admin access

Once you login as admin, you can see 'Edit' links

Pages can be edited right away. You can use standard html and template toolkit tokens to edit pages.

Marking 'hot' and 'new' items

When you are logged in as admin, add items to your cart and click the 'Save cart as hot items' or 'Save cart as new items'. This will mark those items as hot or new and will display them on man page (in default templates).

In future, hot/new functionality will be made to work based upon actual 'hot' or 'new' items.

ledgercart_step_by_step_installation/debian.1403851291.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/30 15:40 (external edit)