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 SELECT invnumber, amount, paid, fxamount, fxpaid FROM ap WHERE amount=paid AND fxamount <> 
 fxpaid AND fxpaid <> 0 OR fxpaid is NULL;
 UPDATE ap SET fxamount = (SELECT SUM(0-amount) FROM acc_trans WHERE
 chart_id IN (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE link LIKE '%AP_amount%' OR
 link LIKE '%IC_expense%' OR link LIKE '%tax%') AND and
 NOT fx_transaction);
 UPDATE ap SET fxpaid = paid WHERE fxpaid is NULL;
 UPDATE ap SET fxamount = fxpaid WHERE amount = paid;
 UPDATE ar SET fxamount = fxpaid WHERE amount = paid;   
 UPDATE ap SET fxamount = amount WHERE fxamount = 0;
 UPDATE ap SET fxpaid = paid WHERE fxpaid = 0;
 UPDATE ap SET fxpaid = (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM acc_trans WHERE
 chart_id IN (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE link LIKE '%_paid%') AND AND NOT fx_transaction);
 UPDATE ap SET fxamount=round(fxamount), fxpaid=ROUND(fxpaid);
 UPDATE ap SET fxamount = fxpaid WHERE amount = paid;
update_fxpaid.1481626784.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/13 10:59 by sweitmann